Saturday, April 4, 2020



There is a stillness in the air today
As if the world could hold its breath
And pause for quiet contemplation.
Like the calm before a storm.
Tomorrow there will be lashing wind
Dark clouds to hide the sun
Pelting rain and branches flying
Damage and unforeseen destruction.
A time to hunker down and wait
To stay inside ‘till all is clear.
For the storm will surely pass
And rays of sun will warm the earth
Fresh air will blow the clouds away.
The earth will flourish, flowers bloom
The bees and the butterflies
Will settle down on bursting buds
And crops will fill the farmer’s fields.
And birds will fill the air with song
And slowly things will right themselves
Although not quite the same.
And there will be time to pause
To stop, consider and give thanks
Count blessings. And mourn too.
And we’ll shake our heads and wonder often
How did that storm approach so fast?
How did we miss the warning signs?
There is a stillness in the air today
Like the calm before a storm.

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