Thursday, March 26, 2020


Where to start?
There are too many to count.

Doctors and nurses and front line workers,
dropped into a dystopian nightmare,
their lives torn apart, risking their health
to battle the invisible enemy.

Workers serving our needs
to get food on our tables
to get us power and water 
and ways to stay connected.

These are our heroes,
without fancy capes or super powers
but with  determination and courage
and goodwill to mankind.

But those that stay home
are all heroes too.
The moms and the dads
whose lives are on hold.

And kids; let's not forget kids,
confined without school.
Playgrounds off limits,
their friends out of bounds.

So let's say hooray
to the whole human race that's
pulling together at this "challenging" time.
(Except for some that I won't  name.)

And let's learn some lessons
for when these dangers have passed.

Thanks to all you heroes,
Who are making history today.
Have strength and have patience;
For this too will pass.

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