Tuesday, March 24, 2020


I listen to Neil Diamond 
and my heart is full of world love,
world peace, world joy, well wishes.
I am omnipotent and flowing over with Tuesday energy.
Inside I am running, jumping.
Reaching for new horizons.
I see all, I want all, I am all.
(my mind fills with sound)
I sing, I soar, I rise, I fly.
Thank you for the colour of music,
The colour of colour on which I feast.
Each morsel, a banquet. I am filled.
The music is magic. The music is colour:
a painter’s brush sweeping the beat
across the page of me.
I feast.
I am a coloured canvas bursting at the seams.
I am thankful for the colour of music;
I am thankful for the colour in me.

For Marj & Vi with whom I shared inspirational Tuesdays, coffee and munchies, for almost 20 years)

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