Friday, September 23, 2022

Enroute to Maratea


Purple mountains with ragged peaks frame my view today,

guardians of the hills and valleys spreading at their feet.

The trees are taller, the pastures greener than we've seen on previous days.

Goats scamper when they hear our moto, their dogs keep careful watch.

Cows graze beside the road sometimes, but never in our path.

And here's another hilltop town, rosy houses clustering on the slopes.

The gray road winds on forever, down one hill, up another,

looping up a mountain side, cresting and down again.

We move in perfect tandem, with the rhythm of the road.

The voice inside my head that keeps me calm sometimes, is silent today.

"It's okay" I told the voice. “I've got this now.

I am moving with the ride.”


Tuesday, June 21, 2022



Drumbeat sings my tune

painting a landscape of sound

rhythm of my soul

Monday, May 16, 2022



night sounds are restless

full moon spotlighting the earth

exposes all our sins

Sunday, March 27, 2022



she flies unerringly across a continent
finding safe passage
golden wings iridescent in the sunlight
the queen of butterflies
starts the cycle of transformation
new life emerges to resume the journey
of migration and change
gifting the world with moments of glory
again and again

Published in Quillkeepers Press Anthology, Harvest, October 2022



2nd Place winner in the Royal Canadian Legion Seniors Literary Competition (Poetry) 2023


         I don't know you but

      I wake up wondering

        if you have survived the night

      Are you sheltering underground

        as bombs bombard the city?

      Are you bracing for a barrage of bullets

        as you cross the street to safety?

     Are you searching for escape routes

        clutching loved ones by the hand?

    Are you hungry, lost and lonely

        as your home is brought to ruin?

    I lie in bed pondering

        if the world has gone quite mad

    How can this frightful bully

        have such hatred in his heart?

    How dare this raging lunatic 

        cause such horror in the world?

    Can no one stop his rampage

        of killing and destruction?

    What will it take, I wonder

        to end his bloody war?

    As I go about my peaceful day

        you're never far from mind

    And when I sleep, I dream

        a miracle will take place.

    But thoughts and hopes are useless

        as you cope the best you can.

    Unless this dreadful path is changed

        the future's plain to see.

    Missing friend, absent loved ones

    Empty spaces, lonely places 

        is all that there will be.


 Dedicated to the relentless Ukrainians who inspire the world with their bravery and determination.





Monday, February 28, 2022

Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Saturday, February 19, 2022




Softly the snow fell while we slept at night

Now the world is smothered all in white

On branches it weighs the bows down low

Winter holds its grip again on us for now


Friday, February 11, 2022




   Featured in Mythos Poetry Society weekly prompt.

Wednesday, January 5, 2022



Traveller in the night sky
pale reflection of the sun
ghostly presence in the day
bring comfort in the dark
Manager of the tides
counting out the months
your blessing on the seasons
grants prosperity to the land
Protector of the living
your comforting embrace
provides shelter from all evil
keeps predators at bay
Face of the wandering moon
shining crescent of hope
your glowing rays enlighten
dreams are brought to life
But hidden on your dark side
where mysteries abound
madness runs rampant
and there, lunacy is found

 Published in BORN OF THE MOON - Mythos Poetry Society Literary Journal, January 2022

Darkling Haiku

born of the full moon
sprouting hair, ears, teeth, fangs, claws
werewolves on the hunt 

Published in BORN OF THE MOON - Mythos Poetry Society Literary Journal, January 2022

Saturday, January 1, 2022

Invocation to Sekhmet - Lady of Pestilence

Gracious lady, your power is well known
bringing fear and carnage to the world.
But your goodwill spreads enchantment
protecting us from suffering and plague.
May you be soothed by the music of the harp and the flute,
be calmed by the fragrance of the incense we burn.
Drink and be fulfilled by this tasty red beer
Gorge on these meats and the succulent fruit.
You, who can summon pestilence, can cast it aside.
Hear the whispers of the people imploring your kindness
Please, we beg you, end the curse that’s infecting the land.
When it is gone, we’ll dance in the streets.
We’ll drink and eat and laugh with joy.
And we’ll keep your offering table
Piled high with your favourite treats.
Each year we will gather to celebrate together
the beer and the wine will flow in the streets
when we honour your name and remember your kindness.
See you next year at the Festival of Drunkenness.