Friday, November 5, 2021

Diamente poem - Metamorphosis

plump, striped
munching, growing, cocooning
metamorphosis, transition, migration, change
emerging, expanding, flexing
majestic, colourful

Featured in Mythos Poetry Society Parnassus Chapter weekly prompt
Published in Quillkeepers Press Anthology "Harvest." October 2022

Monday, October 25, 2021



My muse has gone silent, leaving me  alone with unformed phrases and words in random patterns.

We played joyfully together last spring creating abundant rhymes and verses.
Haiku happily graced the page.
Even a lonely limerick found a home.
Now bereft, I pluck pitifully at a tuneless lyre.

Perhaps it is the glory of the garden that has stolen her away.

What words compare to the luscious frills of peony petals, the palette of thrusting lupin spikes, the purple, yellow-bearded irises in proud majestic rows?

I am defeated by an ode to oxalis, with its tangy, trefoil leaves.
Delicate daisies rampant in the lawn, defy description and wild strawberries creep silently underfoot.

Will my muse be tempted by the fragrance of mixed herbs; mint, rosemary, basil, lemon balm?

Is she loitering on a lofty treetop distracted by the blue jays' chatter and the persistent pecking of the woodpecker?

Dear muse, don't judge me while you languish out of sight leaving me awash in adjectives, free to mangle metaphors and clutch at cliches.

I won't let your absence lead to despair. 

In time you will return to guide me.  

For now, I sit quietly on this rock beside my stone inuksuk that keeps watch at the water’s edge.

No need to hurry. I have company with the lush birth of greening growth around me; the miracle of a world reborn after winter's sleep.

And when you return, I'll be here, waiting.

First Prize Winner- Poetry in the Scugog Council for the Arts Ekphrastic Literary Contest 2021 

Thursday, October 14, 2021

Cascade Poem


The fickle wind of time

has taken you from me

leaving me lost and lonely.


Together, forever, we said

not accounting for

the fickle wind of time


You did not deserve

the twisted fate that

has taken you from me.


Trying to hold onto memories

that fade and disappear

leaving me lost and lonely.

Featured in Mythos Poetry Society 



Flocks of geese gather
take flight in v-formations
southward, without me

Published in Quillkeepers Press anthology, "Harvest" October 2022



Greetings your Majesty, Ruler of the Two Lands

Please accept these humble offerings
      pots of milk and beer to quench your thirst
      a feast of fowl that I netted in the marsh
      and fine incense to purify the air.
It is only you my Lord, the living god
      who can intercede with the river god Hapi
      to ensure the seasons change in harmony and balance.
I implore my Lord, that you make the river run high
      during the Season of the Inundation
      to fill the ponds and flood the fields.
Then in the Season of the Emergence
      the crops will flourish and be plentiful.
When you bless the Season of the Harvest
      the granaries will be filled to feed your people.
We need the Season of the Inundation to be strong, my Lord
      for while the fields are flooded, the people are free
      to labour at your tomb that rises majestically in the desert,
      raising its pinnacle to the mighty sun god Ra.
I beseech you, my Lord, to let the river run high
      for each season paves the way toward
      your celestial journey to the Underworld.

Your humble servant, Chief Steward of the Granaries

Published in Mythos Poetry Society Literary Journal "TALES OF THE CHANGING SEASONS"  October 2021. 


Saturday, September 11, 2021



And when it was all said,
a solemn hush descended
‘cept for the flute’s sweet notes
Danny Boy rising above the trees,
shimmering leaves applauding a life well lived.



   To the memory of Scott Collie. 1958-2021

Sunday, September 5, 2021

Freya's Tears


MPS Monthly Prompt - Eros Chapter

Tuesday, August 31, 2021


The diver takes flight
with mid-air acrobatics
Graceful as a bird 

featured in Australian Writer's Centre top 60 Olympic Haiku



                        Featured in @mythospoetrysociety monthly prompt



    Featured in @mythospoetrysociety monthly prompt

Ra and the Journey of the Sun


Featured in @mythospoetrysociety monthly post 



Thursday, July 22, 2021



I walk with downcast eyes
      afraid I might stare at your misshapen body
      sitting on a sheet of cardboard,
      withered legs showing beneath a ragged vest
      a tray of pencils balanced on your lap
      dented tin cup close at hand.
Afraid to see your eyes  
      ashamed to be afraid
      embarrassed I have no money for the tin cup.
      The pencilled sign around your neck reads
      Pencils, 10 cents. God bless you.
You are a fixture on here, like the lamppost on the corner.
I have watched from across the street
      as people walk quickly by.
      A few pause, fumble for some change,
      drop some coins into your cup.

No one takes a pencil.
I want today to be different.
      I tug my father’s hand.
      ‘Daddy can I have a pencil?”
      We retrace our steps.
Daddy lifts a pencil from the tray.
      Nice sharp point, he says
      looking directly at you
      hands me a fistful of coins.

One by one I drop the coins into your cup
      hearing the satisfying clinks as they land.
Your voice is deep and warm;
      Thank you, young lady. Bless you.
Now I can look in your eyes
      Why did I expect your voice to be misshapen too?

Wednesday, March 17, 2021

One Year Later

One year ago, today I gave myself a personal challenge to write a poem a day during COVID 19 isolation. I optimistically assumed that everything would be back to normal in a month or so. After 36 poems, I stopped the daily regime and wrote when the spirit moved me. It’s been 365 days of our new order. To date, I have written 63 poems.

I had a dream of empty streets, a lifeless, listless scene.

Shuttered storefronts, windows dark and blind.

People sparsely scattered, skirting skittishly around;

Eyes alert, behind muffling masks, smiles blanked. 

What happened to the urban bustle, the hustle of daily life?

This seems to be a foreign land with everyone a stranger

distant from one another, no interactions or cheerful greetings;

a mournful quiet; a deep sadness settling down. 

What is this world, so far from what I’ve known?

Is this vision real or a scary made up movie scene?

If I pinch myself, will I wake up 

to see airplanes flying and people dancing

to hear sounds of laughter and music in the streets?

No. Don’t answer me. I know the truth. 

But just for now, let's pretend that reality is a dream

because we can wake from dreams, 

and someday soon we will.

Sunday, March 7, 2021



my muse has been muted;
muffled by masks and mixed messages.
But in a mournful moment, I can still make muffins.

(Say that 10 times fast. It's even better with a mouthful of muffin.)

Monday, January 25, 2021



Along the road most travelled,

past familiar places and friendly faces?

Across the white expanse of frozen lake

admiring homemade rinks and funky fishing huts,

over sled tracks and animal prints

avoiding pressure cracks and open water?

Perhaps a detour into the woods

For solitude and new adventures?

Or shall I stay at home today

and wait for you to walk to me?

Thursday, January 21, 2021

A humble salute to Amanda Gorman

I have seen the face of hope

and heard words that sing of truth

filling the gaping hole deep within the soul.

Ushering in a time to reflect,

to heal and move the rhetoric.

From her heart to yours,

wisdom beyond her years.

Follow the trajectory of the rising star

from gloom to glory

from despair to hope.

Watch while the impossible is dissolved

See how suddenly everything becomes possible.


Friday, January 8, 2021


Sadly we said goodbye to our sweet cat Nellie on January 7, 2021

How do you quantify absence?
The empty space on the couch,
the vacant chair where you napped each day,
the warm sunny spot beside the window
the place on the carpet beside the fire?
Constant companion, isolation buddy
there are so many places I feel your absence.
I miss the rhythmic sound of your steady purr,
The gentle pressure of your cool nose on my hand
The softness of your fur when we cuddled on the couch,
The warmth and comfort you gave on gloomy days.
The way you liked to snuggle into Peter’s slippers
Or sleep comfortably at his side,
The soft meow of my morning wake-up call.
Mostly I miss your sweet face staring with melting appeal into mine.
But sweet Nellie, your warmth still lingers 
and you will never be absent from my heart.

Friday, January 1, 2021

New Year's Day - 2021


First tracks on the frozen lake

I think we’re heading

In a good direction.