Thursday, October 14, 2021



Greetings your Majesty, Ruler of the Two Lands

Please accept these humble offerings
      pots of milk and beer to quench your thirst
      a feast of fowl that I netted in the marsh
      and fine incense to purify the air.
It is only you my Lord, the living god
      who can intercede with the river god Hapi
      to ensure the seasons change in harmony and balance.
I implore my Lord, that you make the river run high
      during the Season of the Inundation
      to fill the ponds and flood the fields.
Then in the Season of the Emergence
      the crops will flourish and be plentiful.
When you bless the Season of the Harvest
      the granaries will be filled to feed your people.
We need the Season of the Inundation to be strong, my Lord
      for while the fields are flooded, the people are free
      to labour at your tomb that rises majestically in the desert,
      raising its pinnacle to the mighty sun god Ra.
I beseech you, my Lord, to let the river run high
      for each season paves the way toward
      your celestial journey to the Underworld.

Your humble servant, Chief Steward of the Granaries

Published in Mythos Poetry Society Literary Journal "TALES OF THE CHANGING SEASONS"  October 2021. 


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