Monday, January 25, 2021



Along the road most travelled,

past familiar places and friendly faces?

Across the white expanse of frozen lake

admiring homemade rinks and funky fishing huts,

over sled tracks and animal prints

avoiding pressure cracks and open water?

Perhaps a detour into the woods

For solitude and new adventures?

Or shall I stay at home today

and wait for you to walk to me?

Thursday, January 21, 2021

A humble salute to Amanda Gorman

I have seen the face of hope

and heard words that sing of truth

filling the gaping hole deep within the soul.

Ushering in a time to reflect,

to heal and move the rhetoric.

From her heart to yours,

wisdom beyond her years.

Follow the trajectory of the rising star

from gloom to glory

from despair to hope.

Watch while the impossible is dissolved

See how suddenly everything becomes possible.


Friday, January 8, 2021


Sadly we said goodbye to our sweet cat Nellie on January 7, 2021

How do you quantify absence?
The empty space on the couch,
the vacant chair where you napped each day,
the warm sunny spot beside the window
the place on the carpet beside the fire?
Constant companion, isolation buddy
there are so many places I feel your absence.
I miss the rhythmic sound of your steady purr,
The gentle pressure of your cool nose on my hand
The softness of your fur when we cuddled on the couch,
The warmth and comfort you gave on gloomy days.
The way you liked to snuggle into Peter’s slippers
Or sleep comfortably at his side,
The soft meow of my morning wake-up call.
Mostly I miss your sweet face staring with melting appeal into mine.
But sweet Nellie, your warmth still lingers 
and you will never be absent from my heart.

Friday, January 1, 2021

New Year's Day - 2021


First tracks on the frozen lake

I think we’re heading

In a good direction.