There’s a glimmer of light on the road ahead.
a welcome ray of hope,
Signs pointing in the right direction
but still a long way to go.
The journey is slow and tedious
with pitfalls along the way
Have patience my friends,
we’ll get there in the end.
This started as A Poem a Day Personal Challenge - COVID-19 ISOLATION SERIES which was an inspiration for a fresh start in my writing journey
There’s a glimmer of light on the road ahead.
a welcome ray of hope,
Signs pointing in the right direction
but still a long way to go.
The journey is slow and tedious
with pitfalls along the way
Have patience my friends,
we’ll get there in the end.
If I were a painter
I would create a masterpiece
with bold strokes and vibrant colours
If I were a dancer
I would dance a fiery tango or
do grand jetes across a public plaza
If I were a musician
I would play a triumphant fanfare
or sing a rousing hymn of praise
If I were a composer
I would craft a symphony with
rising crescendo of drums and cymbals
If I could write a poem to capture this moment
I would use words of joy and lyrical phrases
so pure they'd conjure tears and laughter.
If only,
if only I knew how.
if only this moment was now.